Counseling Department
Station’s comprehensive developmental counseling program consists of one counselor per grade level who loops with their students all three years of middle school. The counselors’ role includes individual and group counseling, weekly problem solving meetings with teachers, monthly SEL lessons and 504 plan
management. Students can be referred to the counselor by self-referral, parent referral and/or teacher referral.
Monthly Social Emotional Learning Topics
Counselors teach one social emotional learning (SEL) lesson per month.
- SEPTEMBER: Get to Know Your Counselor/Trusted Adult/Self-Advocacy
- OCTOBER: Healthy Choices/Drug and Alcohol Awareness
- NOVEMBER/DECEMBER: Community/Kindness
- JANUARY: Goal Setting (academic, social, healthy habits)
- FEBRUARY: Stress (Identification/Triggers)
- MARCH: Stress (Self-awareness/Coping Skills)
- APRIL: Bullying/Harassment
- MAY: End of Year Wrap Up
Common Language
- Trusted Adult
- Making Healthy Choices
- Coping Strategies
- Words Matter
- Upstander
- SMART Goal
- Growth Mindset
- Positive Mindset
- Self-Advocacy